Module flowcon.transforms.adaptive_sigmoids


class DeepSigmoid (features, *args, **kwargs)

Base class for all transform objects.

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

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class DeepSigmoid(DeepSigmoidModule):
    def __init__(self, features, *args, **kwargs):
        self.features = features
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        _a_preact = -2 * torch.ones(self.features, self.n_sigmoids)  # scale
        _b_preact = torch.zeros(self.features, self.n_sigmoids)  # shift
        _w_preact = torch.ones(self.features, self.n_sigmoids)  # softmax

        self.dsparams = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.concatenate([_a_preact + 1e-5 * torch.randn_like(_a_preact),
                                                              _b_preact + 1e-5 * torch.randn_like(_b_preact),
                                                              _w_preact + 1e-3 * torch.randn_like(_w_preact)], -1),

    def forward(self, inputs, context=None) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self.forward_given_params(inputs=inputs, dsparams=self.dsparams)


Class variables

var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool

Inherited members

class DeepSigmoidModule (n_sigmoids=4, mollify=0.0, eps=0.0001, num_inverse_iterations=100, lim=10)

Base class for all transform objects.

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

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class DeepSigmoidModule(Transform):
    def softmax(x, dim=-1):
        e_x = torch.exp(x - x.max(dim=dim, keepdim=True)[0])
        out = e_x / e_x.sum(dim=dim, keepdim=True)
        return out

    def __init__(self, n_sigmoids=4, mollify=0., eps=1e-4, num_inverse_iterations=100, lim=10):
        super(DeepSigmoidModule, self).__init__()

        self.n_sigmoids = n_sigmoids

        self.act_a = torch.nn.Softplus()
        self.act_b = torch.nn.Identity()
        self.act_w = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
        self._mollify = mollify
        self.eps = eps

        self.softplus_ = nn.Softplus()
        self.softplus = lambda x: self.softplus_(x) + self.eps
        self.sigmoid_ = nn.Sigmoid()
        self.sigmoid = lambda x: self.sigmoid_(x) * (
                1 - + 0.5 *
        self.logsigmoid = lambda x: -self.softplus(-x)
        self.log = lambda x: torch.log(x * 1e2) - np.log(1e2)
        self.logit = lambda x: self.log(x) - self.log(1 - x)

    def forward(self, inputs, context=None):
        dsparams = self.get_params(inputs, context)
        return self.forward_given_params(inputs, dsparams=dsparams)

    def forward_given_params(self, inputs, dsparams=None):
        scale_ = self.act_a(self.raw_scales(dsparams))
        shift_ = self.act_b(self.raw_shifts(dsparams))
        weight = self.act_w(self.raw_weights(dsparams))

        scale, shift = self.mollify(scale_, shift_)

        pre_sigm = scale * inputs.unsqueeze(-1) + shift
        x_pre = torch.sum(weight * torch.sigmoid(pre_sigm), dim=-1)
        x_pre_clipped = x_pre * (1 - self.eps) + self.eps * 0.5
        x_ = self.logit(x_pre_clipped)
        outputs = x_

        logdet = self._forward_logabsdet(scale, dsparams, self.n_sigmoids, pre_sigm, x_pre_clipped)

        return outputs, logdet

    def raw_scales(self, dsparams):
        return dsparams[..., 0 * self.n_sigmoids:1 * self.n_sigmoids]

    def raw_shifts(self, dsparams):
        return dsparams[..., 1 * self.n_sigmoids:2 * self.n_sigmoids]

    def raw_weights(self, dsparams):
        return dsparams[..., 2 * self.n_sigmoids:3 * self.n_sigmoids]

    def _forward_logabsdet(self, a, dsparams, ndim, pre_sigm, x_pre_clipped):
        logj = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(self.raw_weights(dsparams), dim=-1) + \
               self.logsigmoid(pre_sigm) + \
               self.logsigmoid(-pre_sigm) + self.log(a)

        logj = torch.logsumexp(logj, -1)
        logabsdet_ = logj + np.log(1 - self.eps) - (self.log(x_pre_clipped) + self.log(-x_pre_clipped + 1))
        return logabsdet_.sum(-1)

    def mollify(self, a_, b_):
        a = a_ * (1 - self._mollify) + 1.0 * self._mollify
        b = b_ * (1 - self._mollify) + 0.0 * self._mollify
        return a, b

    def inverse(self, inputs, context=None):
        raise NotImplementedError("..")



Class variables

var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool

Static methods

def softmax(x, dim=-1)


def forward_given_params(self, inputs, dsparams=None)
def inverse(self, inputs, context=None)
def mollify(self, a_, b_)
def raw_scales(self, dsparams)
def raw_shifts(self, dsparams)
def raw_weights(self, dsparams)

Inherited members

class SumOfSigmoids (features, n_sigmoids=10, iterations_bisection_inverse=50, lim_bisection_inverse=120, raw_params: torch.Tensor = None)

Implements non-linear elementwise transformation as the sum of multiple shifted scaled sigmoid functions, which are combined with an extended softplus function to get linear behaviour far away from the origin.

See Appendix A.1 in [1] for more details.

[1] Negri, Marcello Massimo, Fabricio Arend Torres, and Volker Roth. "Conditional Matrix Flows for Gaussian Graphical Models." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (2024).

Initialize the SumOfSigmoids transformation.


features : int
The number of features for each input. This defines the dimensionality of the input space.
n_sigmoids : int, optional
Number of sigmoid functions to apply per feature. This controls the complexity of the transformation. Default is 10.
iterations_bisection_inverse : int, optional
Max number of iterations for computing the numerical inverse with bisection search if it doesn't converge. Default is 50.
lim_bisection_inverse : int, optional
[-lim_bisection_inverse, lim_bisection_inverse] provides the search region for the inverse via bisection search . Default is 120.
raw_params : torch.Tensor, optional
A tensor containing pre-initialized parameters for the transformation. If provided, the parameters are set directly from this tensor; otherwise, they are initialized internally.


If raw_params is provided but does not match the required shape of (features, 3 * n_sigmoids + 1).


This constructor sets up the transformation by initializing parameters, either from the raw_params tensor or by creating new parameters if raw_params is None.

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class SumOfSigmoids(MonotonicTransform):
    Implements non-linear elementwise transformation as the sum of multiple shifted scaled sigmoid functions,
    which are combined with an extended softplus function to get linear behaviour far away from the origin.

    See Appendix A.1 in [1] for more details.

    [1] Negri, Marcello Massimo, Fabricio Arend Torres, and Volker Roth. "Conditional Matrix Flows for Gaussian Graphical Models." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (2024).

    def __init__(self, features, n_sigmoids=10, iterations_bisection_inverse=50, lim_bisection_inverse=120,
                 raw_params: torch.Tensor = None):
        Initialize the SumOfSigmoids transformation.

        features : int
            The number of features for each input. This defines the dimensionality of the input space.
        n_sigmoids : int, optional
            Number of sigmoid functions to apply per feature. This controls the complexity of the transformation. Default is 10.
        iterations_bisection_inverse : int, optional
            Max number of iterations for computing the numerical inverse with bisection search if it doesn't converge. Default is 50.
        lim_bisection_inverse : int, optional
            [-lim_bisection_inverse, lim_bisection_inverse] provides the search region for the inverse via bisection search . Default is 120.
        raw_params : torch.Tensor, optional
            A tensor containing pre-initialized parameters for the transformation. If provided, the parameters are set directly from this tensor; otherwise, they are initialized internally.

            If `raw_params` is provided but does not match the required shape of (features, 3 * n_sigmoids + 1).

        This constructor sets up the transformation by initializing parameters, either from the `raw_params` tensor
        or by creating new parameters if `raw_params` is None.
        self.n_sigmoids = n_sigmoids
        self.features = features

        super(SumOfSigmoids, self).__init__(num_iterations=iterations_bisection_inverse, lim=lim_bisection_inverse)
        if raw_params is None:
            self.shift_preact = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, features, self.n_sigmoids), requires_grad=True)
            self.log_scale_preact = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, features, self.n_sigmoids), requires_grad=True)
            self.raw_softmax = nn.Parameter((torch.ones(1, features, self.n_sigmoids, requires_grad=False)))
            self.extended_softplus = ExtendedSoftplus(features=features)
            assert raw_params.shape[1:] == (features, 3 * self.n_sigmoids + 1)
            self.set_raw_params(features, raw_params)

        self.log_scale_postact = nn.Parameter(torch.log(torch.ones(1, device=self.shift_preact.device)),
        self.eps = 1e-6

    def get_raw_params(self):
        Concatenate and return all raw parameters of the transformation in a single tensor.
        The Tensor is of shape [self.n_sigmoids, self.features, -1].

            A concatenated tensor of all raw parameters, including shifts, log scales for
            the sigmoid functions, softmax weights, and the shift from the extended softplus.
        return, self.features, self.n_sigmoids),
                          self.log_scale_preact.reshape(-1, self.features, self.n_sigmoids),
                          self.raw_softmax.reshape(-1, self.features, self.n_sigmoids),
                          self.extended_softplus.shift.reshape(-1, self.features, 1),
                          # self.extended_softplus.log_scale.reshape(-1, self.features, 1)
                          ), dim=-1)

    def set_raw_params(self, features, raw_params):
        # 3 = shift, scale, softmax for sigmoids
        # 2 = log_scale, log_shift for extended softplus
        vals = torch.split(raw_params, [self.n_sigmoids, self.n_sigmoids, self.n_sigmoids, 1], dim=-1)
        self.shift_preact, self.log_scale_preact, self.raw_softmax = vals[:3]
        self.extended_softplus = ExtendedSoftplus(features=features, shift=vals[3])

    def get_sigmoid_params(self, features, n_features_x_sigmoids, unconstrained_params):
        shift_preact = unconstrained_params[:, :features * self.n_sigmoids]
        shift_preact = shift_preact.view(-1, features, self.n_sigmoids)

        log_scale_preact = unconstrained_params[:, n_features_x_sigmoids: 2 * n_features_x_sigmoids]
        log_scale_preact = log_scale_preact.view(-1, features, self.n_sigmoids)

        raw_softmax_preact = unconstrained_params[:, 2 * n_features_x_sigmoids: 3 * n_features_x_sigmoids]
        raw_softmax_preact = raw_softmax_preact.view(-1, features, self.n_sigmoids)

        return shift_preact, log_scale_preact, raw_softmax_preact

    def sigmoid_log_derivative(self, x):
        return x - 2 * torch.nn.functional.softplus(x)

    def forward(self, inputs, context=None):
        output_sum_of_sigmoids, log_diag_jac_sigmoids = self.sum_of_sigmoids(inputs)
        output_extended_softplus, log_diag_jac_esoftplus = self.extended_softplus(inputs)

        output = output_sum_of_sigmoids + output_extended_softplus
        logabsdet = torch.logaddexp(log_diag_jac_sigmoids, log_diag_jac_esoftplus).sum(-1)

        return output, logabsdet

    def sum_of_sigmoids(self, inputs):
        shift_preact, scale_preact, scale_postact = self.get_params()

        pre_act = scale_preact * (inputs.unsqueeze(-1) - shift_preact)

        sigmoids_expanded = scale_postact * torch.sigmoid(pre_act)
        log_jac_sigmoid_expanded = torch.log(scale_postact) + torch.log(scale_preact) + self.sigmoid_log_derivative(
        tmp = sigmoids_expanded.sum(-1) / (scale_postact.sum(-1))

        return tmp, torch.logsumexp(log_jac_sigmoid_expanded, -1)

    def get_params(self):
        soft_max = torch.nn.functional.softmax(self.raw_softmax, dim=-1) + self.eps
        soft_max /= soft_max.sum(-1).unsqueeze(-1)
        scale_postact = torch.exp(self.log_scale_postact) * soft_max

        scale_preact = torch.sigmoid(self.log_scale_preact)
        scale_preact = scale_preact * (self.PREACT_SCALE_MAX - self.PREACT_SCALE_MIN) + self.PREACT_SCALE_MIN

        shift_preact = torch.tanh(self.shift_preact) * self.PREACT_SHIFT_MAX

        return shift_preact, scale_preact, scale_postact


Class variables

var call_super_init : bool
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool


def get_params(self)
def get_raw_params(self)

Concatenate and return all raw parameters of the transformation in a single tensor. The Tensor is of shape [self.n_sigmoids, self.features, -1].


A concatenated tensor of all raw parameters, including shifts, log scales for the sigmoid functions, softmax weights, and the shift from the extended softplus.
def get_sigmoid_params(self, features, n_features_x_sigmoids, unconstrained_params)
def set_raw_params(self, features, raw_params)
def sigmoid_log_derivative(self, x)
def sum_of_sigmoids(self, inputs)

Inherited members